Society of Italian Researchers & Professionals in Western Canada

20241008_EventProfile_Steyn.jpgARPICO and PROF. DOUW STEYN PRESENT:

Six Great Ideas That Changed Science and the World (Part 1)
a talk by Prof. Douw Steyn

In the first part of this two-part series, Prof. Steyn will provide an overview of three great ideas and the people who developed the ideas:
  1. Evolution by Natural Selection. The unifying principle that revolutionized biology by providing a comprehensive and integrated view of all organisms, their origins and their roles in ecosystems. Not incidentally, it ignited a firestorm among religious believers that still smoulders today.
  2. DNA, RNA and the Mechanism of Heredity. The discovery…

October 08, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Museum of Vancouver - History Room - 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver, BC, V6J 3J9

20240619_EventProfile_Tortell.jpgARPICO and PHILIPPE TORTELL PRESENT:

A Tale of Two Oceans: Climate Change and the Future of the Arctic and Antarctic Marine Ecosystems
a talk by Prof. Philippe Tortell

The polar waters of the Arctic Ocean are experiencing significant impacts of global climate change, including warming, sea ice loss, and altered circulation patterns and biological productivity. At the other end of Earth, Southern Ocean waters surrounding Antarctica, are responding quite differently to on-going climate change. Understanding the similarities and differences between these two polar regions is critical to better understanding the future trajectory of the world’s oceans, and their…

June 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Museum of Vancouver - History Room - 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver, BC, V6J 3J9

Join us as a member of ARPICO to support our endeavour to disseminate knowledge and research work, provide accesible and informal forums for discussions and debate, and exchange ideas realted to topics and issues relevant to modern society.

L'alfabeto della rinascita. Viaggio nell'eccellenza italiana

In occasione della “Settimana della lingua italiana”, la Società Dante Alighieri Society del BC, in collaborazione con l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Toronto, la invita alla conferenza online del sociologo Francesco Morace “L'alfabeto della rinascita: viaggio nell'eccellenza italiana.”

Venerdì, 21 Ottobre 2022, 12.00 pm-1.00 pm (PDT); 3.00 pm-4.15 pm (Toronto TIme); 9.00 pm-10.30 pm (Rome Time)

In italiano – Online via Zoom

*Please send your $10 donation
via Interac email transfer at
Or Become a Member! The yearly membership costs $40 and offers free access to all our paying events & a 5% discount on all the Italian language courses at our Dante Italian Language School in Vancouver


Prendendo spunto dal suo ultimo libro, il Prof. Morace ci accompagnerà in un viaggio nel cuore dell’imprenditoria e dell’eccellenza italiana toccando i seguenti punti:
· Italian Human Design: la creatività italiana incontra l’empatia quotidiana
· Valori e stereotipi italiani: an extra-ordinary common place
· Il senso del gusto e l’amore per il dettaglio (Alessi e Zanotta)
· L’ingegno applicato a settori diversi (Herno e Inglesina)
· La cooperazione che parte dalle famiglie (Granarolo e Melinda)
· Fatto su misura (Cosberg e Opto Engineering)
· Estetica ed Etica aumentata (Kartell)

Lo speaker:

Francesco Morace,
sociologo e scrittore, è il fondatore di Future Concept Lab, istituto di ricerca e consulenza strategica sull’innovazione. È docente in materia di innovazione sociale al Politecnico di Milano e di Culture & Stili di Vita all’Università di Trento. È autore di oltre 20 libri, fra cui L’alfabeto del rinascita. 20 storie di imprese esemplari (Egea, 2022)

Sapori di Puglia

On June 8th and June 10th, 2022 at the Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver will be held the Saprori di Puglia food fair and wine tasting special.

Please read the flyer below for more details:

EYE Global Project


The EYE Global Project is an entrepreneurial exchange program, where European professionals have a chance to liaise with Canadian entrepreneurs! Canadian entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to select the entrepreneur that best fits their needs. The best part is that their flights, stay in Canada, etc. are all funded.

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Global is an exchange program that gives experienced entrepreneurs from Canada the opportunity to collaborate with new or aspiring entrepreneurs from the European Union and the UK.

It is inspired by the popular Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program, which has been running in Europe since 2009. The program has facilitated exchanges for nearly 20,000 entrepreneurs with 10,000 businesses.

Why EYE Global?

By participating in this program and by hosting a young entrepreneur from Europe your company will acquire knowledge and access to European markets; discover new potential cooperation opportunities and collaborate with European entrepreneurs. Find innovative solutions and reach new heights in your business with EYE Global!

Benefits for Canadian host entrepreneurs:
• Liaise with an entrepreneur from Europe with zero cost to you, for a maximum of three months.
• Liaise with energetic and motivated young European entrepreneurs who can contribute to your business with innovative views, new skills, and knowledge.
• Benefit from a “new perspective” on your business, and specialized knowledge that the
new entrepreneurs may have and that you have not yet mastered.
• Act as a coach or mentor.
• Learn about European markets, expand your business opportunities and engage in cross- border activities.
• Network and build strong relationships, which can be useful for mutual consulting, business referrals, and for finding business partners abroad.

The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program financed by the European Union and coordinated in British Columbia by the EU Chamber of Commerce in Canada West & the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West!

If someone is interested and wish to learn more about it, they can email Stefano Dal Farra (project manager at ICCBC) via email or via phone number (604.682.1410 M/F 9am to 5pm).

Consulate General of Italy Moving to a New Location


In mid-June the Consulate General of Italy will move to a new downtown Vancouver location, some 6 blocks west of our current one.
While we shall strive to minimize disruptions, a short closure period and some interruption or delay in the services offered will be inevitable. We thank you for your patience.
Stay tuned for more details:


Verso la metà di giugno il Consolato Generale d'Italia si trasferirà in una nuova sede nel centro di Vancouver, a circa 6 isolati a ovest di quella attuale.
Ci stiamo adoperando per ridurre al minimo i disagi all'utenza. Sarà comunque necessario chiudere l'Ufficio per un breve periodo di tempo ed interruzioni e/o ritardi nei servizi offerti saranno inevitabili.
Vi ringraziamo fin da adesso per la Vostra pazienza.
Maggiori informazioni sul periodo di chiusura, gli orari di ricevimento e sull'apertura al pubblico nella nuova Sede saranno resi noti, appena disponibili, sul nostro sito:

Italian Design Day 2022 - March 23, 2022


Webinar will be held online via Zoom

A Webinar with Architect and Engineer Valentina Sumini

Humanity is evolving towards a multi-planetary future.

One of the main challenges in human space exploration is sustainability, since long-duration missions on other planetary bodies will require a high level of autonomy from planet Earth and the possibility to retrieve all fundamental life resources directly in situ.
The need for efficient use of volume, water, and other inputs for producing food could enable technologies with reduced impact on the resources needed for food production here on Earth, especially in extreme environments and resource-scarce regions. In addition to crops production, there are other advanced food systems that warrant exploration as they can also potentially address some of the challenges of terrestrial and space-based food systems.
The Space Meal Solution is a food production strategy, designed in partnership between COESIA S.p.A. and Pastificio RANA S.p.A., that identifies hydroponics and aeroponics systems as sources to produce the ingredients for customized, balanced, nutritious, and palatable meals based on the Mediterranean diet. The food processing system is based on automated and integrated engineered solutions focusing on automation, from blending to cooking, with the goal to easily produce space meals through the Engineered Space Kitchen (E.S.K.). The crops processing, the meal preparation and preservation are designed to minimize time, water and energy consumption and optimize human-centred design for the crew by building a collaborative environment that combines assessed and innovative food processing and cooking technologies.

Indeed, designing new space food systems, while preserving and enhancing our culinary arts, offers a solution to the scarcity of resources and sustainability on our planet…a wonderful spaceship travelling across the universe.
The 5th edition of the “Italian Design Day” is presented in Vancouver by the Consulate General of Italy in cooperation with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West, after a worldwide initiative of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in collaboration with MiBACT, MISE, ICE Agenzia, Confindustria, Associazione per il Disegno Industriale (ADI), Fondazione ADI-Compasso d'Oro, Federlegno Arredo, Salone del Mobile Milano and Triennale Milano.
Valentina Sumini, Ph.D., architect and engineer, investigates innovative computational design techniques with special regard to space applications, both for architectural and technological solutions. She is Research Affiliate at MIT Media Lab, within Space Exploration Initiative and Responsive Environments and Visiting Professor at Politecnico di Milano where she lectures the course “Architecture for Human Space Exploration” – the course, in the current Academic Year, has become a collaborative classroom with the MIT Media Lab Webinar Series “Design Exploration: towards a Moon Architecture.” Since 2020, she has been R&D Specialist within COESIA Engineering Center and Coordinator of COESIA Innovation Hub, where she analyzes and develops new activities with high sustainability and technological impacts.

Register for free for the online webinar HERE

Four Evenings with Dante and his Divine Comedy (Webinar)

Arpico is working to restart its activity in a virtual manner, in the meantime we thought you might be interested in attending the following event organized by our friends of the Dante Alighieri Society.

Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, the best known of all poems written in the Italian language 700 years ago, takes us on a spiritual journey from a ghastly dark forest to the blissful light of a cosmic embrace, from exile to reintegration, from wretchedness to joy.

This is a FREE EVENT.

In the course of four Monday evenings, Prof. Daniela Boccassini will show us why Dante's cosmic perspective is as impelling today as ever:

1. December 7, 2020 - Dante's life and his source of inspiration: Beatrice
2. December 14, 2020 - The Divine Comedy: Inferno
3. December 21, 2020 - The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio
4. December 28, 2020 - The Divine Comedy: Paradiso

All episodes will be conducted IN ENGLISH ON ZOOM from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (PT)

No previous knowledge of Dante's poem is required

Please register at to receive the Zoom link